When should I hire a lawyer after my injury? 

We would recommend you hire a lawyer at your earliest opportunity. The earlier we can get working on your case, the better our chance of winning. Big insurance companies, and their employees, will try to convince you to settle for pennies on the dollar. Don't let them. Get someone on your team as soon as possible. Our firm is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give us a call and let us go to work. 

How much does it cost to hire your firm? 

Nothing. Our firm works on a contingency fee agreement, meaning we only get paid if you get paid. We understand that the last thing an injured person wants or needs to do while recovering is figure out how to pay a lawyer. So, we will agree to only get paid if we get you paid. 

How long does a personal injury case take to resolve?

Each case is different and it is next to impossible to assign a timeline to a case. The time it takes to resolve a case is based on a number of factors, including, the severity of the injury, the need for future care, the amount of available insurance coverage, the viability of any liability defenses, and the goal(s) of the client. It is important to discuss these factors with your lawyer at the earliest point in your case to set expectations appropriately. 

I have been hurt before, do I still have a case? 

Of course! Pre-existing injuries are not a barrier to recovery, rather, it is one of many considerations when evaluating a case. At Schmittgens Law Firm, we analyze your prior injury, both objective findings and objective complaints, and compare them with your current condition. This gives us the ability to determine how much your case is worth. 

I don't think I am that hurt, do I still have a case? 

Yes. At Schmittgens Law Firm, we take a human-first approach to legal representation. We will never turn down a case because "there's not enough in it for us." We want to make the best recovery for each client, based on the circumstances of their case. Whether your case is worth $500.00 or $500,000,000.00, we want to work for you. 

How much is my case worth? 

Case value is determined by numerous considerations, including, the medical bills incurred, the likelihood of future treatment, the bad acts of the at-fault driver, and the amount of insurance available to the injured person. At our firm, we will fully and completely investigate your case to maximize the recovery for you. 

I don't have insurance, I don't have a doctor, and I don't know what to do. How do I get the medical care I need and who is gonna pay for it? 

Medical care is an essential part of a personal injury case. Without consistent and complete medical treatment, it is difficult, if not impossible to accurately value a claim. That is why our firm will work with clients to make sure they get the care they need. We assist clients in paying for the treatment received even if they don't have health insurance or a primary care doctor. 

What are your fees? 

Under the contingency fee agreement, our firm is entitled to 1/3rd of any recovery made prior to filing a lawsuit. If we file a lawsuit on your behalf, our fees increase to 40% of the gross recovery.